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Nominations Needed for Bowhunter of the Year

The Bowhunter of the Year will be announced during the NBA Awards Banquet on Saturday, March 4 in Kearney.

Before you know it, it will be time to head to Kearney for the NBA Banquet in early March. In the meantime, please take some time to think about all the great bowhunters we have in this state that would be strong candidates for the Bowhunter of the Year Award. We all know someone that would be deserving of this award. The nomination process is outlined below. All nominations should be sent to Dan Hejl by January 31st. Questions can be directed to Dan as well.

Dan Hejl
1219 140th Road, Pleasant Dale, NE 68423 (402) 440-5938, danhejl@hotmail.com


  1. Members in good standing are eligible.

  2. A member may submit only one nomination per year. Those nominating someone are responsible for complet- ing an application involving the judging criteria set forth below.

  3. All criteria listed may not be applicable to each applicant. Those making nominations must address each numbered criteria, using evidence from those lettered criteria which apply.

  4. Late nominations will not be accepted.

  5. False information on the application may disqualify the nominee.

  6. All nominations are given an identification number, with no names appearing on the information given to the judges.


1. What has the individual contributed to bowhunting in Nebraska? What is their effectiveness and accomplishments while serving bowhunting and archery? (20 points possible)

a. Educational courses, clinics and seminars. (4 points)
b. Literary contributions to NBA newsletter or other in-state forums. (4)|
c. Programs or events developed or involved in. (4)
d. Leadership abilities and special accomplishments, including region- al or national which benefits Nebraska bowhunting. (4)
e. Evidence of commitment. (4)

2. Sportsmanship, personality and ethics. (20 points possible)

a. Dedication to bowhunting responsi- bilities. (5)
b. Conduct afield. (5)
c. Peer respect. (5)
d. Personal bowhunting philosophy. (5)

3. Supporting memberships in bowhunting, archery, wildlife, and conservation organizations. (15 points possible)

a. Names of organizations and length of membership. (5)
b. Offices held. (5)
c. Committees, meetings and functions directed and attended. (5)

4. Bowhunting experiences. (20 points possible)

a. Time spent afield. (5)
b. Hunts this past season. (10)
c. Lifetime bowhunting experience. (5)

5. Membership and Leadership in the Nebraska Bowhunters Association. (25 points)

a. Length of membership in the Nebraska Bowhunters Association. (5) (NBA was formed in 1984)
b. Volunteering at NBA functions, including Banquet and Jamboree. (5)
c. Volunteering at outreach events representing NBA. (5)
d. Leadership roles in the NBA, including officer and board positions (5)
e. Attendance at NBA meetings throughout the year. (5)

2023 NBA Awards Banquet

March 3-4, 2023 - Younes Conference Center South, Kearney, NE

This is a member's only event, please JOIN THE NBA online now or when you get to the Banquet.  You must purchase a Banquet ticket to attend the weekend events.

General Information


Banquet Guest Speaker




Bowhunter of the Year

Big Game Awards

Trade Show


Trophy Wall

Merchandise/ T-Shirt Contest

Photo Contest

Conservation Fund Requests

Member Success Slideshow

NBA Scholarship

Board Member Elections

Sponsors Needed

Questions or to Volunteer:  Rick Thaden, NBA Banquet Chairman, 308-293-3788, bowhunt4elk@hotmail.com

About us

In 1984, the idea of an organization that would bring bowhunters together with a common goal to preserve and protect bowhunting was formed and the Nebraska Bowhunters Association (NBA) was born. Now, the NBA is one of Nebraska's premier hunting organizations, with a growing membership, family friendly events, and a firm passion to continue to preserve and promote bowhunting in Nebraska. 

Become a member

Although bowhunting is often a private, quiet affair, members of the NBA benefit greatly from organizing together. Besides the political clout and united front against those opposed to hunting, the camaraderie is perhaps the best bargain for the money. NBA members meet across the state throughout the year at our Banquet in March and Jamboree in August. We would love to have you join us! 

Find us

©2023 Nebraska Bowhunters Association
501(c)(3) non-profit organization  nebraskabowhunters@gmail.com

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