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Logging in for the First Time

STEP 1: Click on the login icon at the top right of this page (it will either look like a person or an arrow depending on your browser settings). Then click on Forgot Password. 

STEP 2: Type in your email address and the verification text then click Submit. 

STEP 3:  Follow the login instructions in the email you receive. You are all set! 

If it says "Error, email not found" or you did not receive an email, it means we do not have your current email address on file. Please email nebraskabowhunters@gmail.com or contact the membership chairman to update your email address. We will let you know when your email address has been updated.

Tips and Tricks

Canceling Automatic Renewals
Automatic renewals will not be activated until you have added credit card information to your online account (like when you manually renew your membership). The easiest way to cancel your automatic renewals is to log into your account, click on the login icon at the top right, click View Profile, then scroll down to where it has the option to cancel your automatic payments. You can also change your credit card information if you prefer. You can also chancel auto renewals by contacting Membership Chairman, Heather Hejl at heather.hejl@gmail.com or 402-416-2538. 

Updating your profile
After logging in, click on the login icon on the top right of this page, then click View Profile. Then, click Edit Profile and you can update your profile including your address and phone number. 

Changing your privacy settings
After logging in, click on the login icon on the top right of this page, then click View Profile. Then, click Edit Profile and then Privacy. Your privacy settings are automatically set at other members being able to see your name, city, and state. You can disable this, or you can allow members to see more information. 

Adding another member to your account
If you have a family membership, two people can have online access under one account. See the "Family Memberships" section for instructions. 

Renewing your membership
After logging in, click on the login icon on the top right of this page, then click View Profile. Under your renewal date, click the button to renew. Once you renew, automatic renewals will be set up on your account. You can cancel the auto renewals by following the instructions above. 

Renewing or Joining via check and mail
Download and print THIS FORM then mail it and a check written to Nebraska Bowhunters Association to NBA Membership Chairman Heather Hejl, 1219 140th, Pleasant Dale, NE 68423

Family Memberships

If you have a family membership, it is considered a "Bundle Membership". This means TWO people in your family can have online access under ONE NBA account with two separate email addresses. The main person on the account is whomever your membership is under. You will first need to login to your account under that person's email address following the instructions above. Once you are logged in, you can click on the icon at the top right of this page (it looks like a little person). Then click on "View Profile". Next, scroll down to where it says "Bundle Summary" then click "Add Member."  

If you are NOT an NBA member, click HERE to join.

About us

In 1984, the idea of an organization that would bring bowhunters together with a common goal to preserve and protect bowhunting was formed and the Nebraska Bowhunters Association (NBA) was born. Now, the NBA is one of Nebraska's premier hunting organizations, with a growing membership, family friendly events, and a firm passion to continue to preserve and promote bowhunting in Nebraska. 

Become a member

Although bowhunting is often a private, quiet affair, members of the NBA benefit greatly from organizing together. Besides the political clout and united front against those opposed to hunting, the camaraderie is perhaps the best bargain for the money. NBA members meet across the state throughout the year at our Banquet in March and Jamboree in August. We would love to have you join us! 

Find us

©2023 Nebraska Bowhunters Association
501(c)(3) non-profit organization  nebraskabowhunters@gmail.com

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software